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About the Trust

Cambrian Learning Trust consists of four secondary schools and 14 primary schools in the Oxfordshire area.

Vision – To be a Beacon of Excellence


  • Integrity
  • Kindness
  • Ambition
  • Unity


‘Nurturing growth and inspiring minds’, we serve to build firm foundations for excellence, empowering all to shine, whilst instilling the values of integrity and kindness. United in our ambitious vision, we are committed to inspiring learners who achieve highly and are equipped to contribute positively to society.

By nurturing strong relationships, we create an inclusive community in which every individual is valued, supported, and encouraged to grow in mind, body, soul and spirit.

How the Trust operates

Great value is placed on the diversity and independence of the Trust’s schools. Each school is driven by its own senior leadership team and governing body, with close links to the local community. Each school benefits from being part of the Trust. The Trust provides support, expertise and inspiration, it is committed to allowing each school to maintain its unique identity. Great value is placed on the diversity and independence of the Trust’s schools and in the young people they nurture and educate

Together, the Trust provides a breadth of opportunity for its young people which an individual school could not deliver. The Trust works hard to support its schools in delivering the shared goals of high academic standards and excellence in teaching and learning. The Trust’s Improvement team, led by the Director of Education, work across all schools to provide the best possible experiences for all young people. There is also has a highly experienced central team which lead on HR, Finance, Estates, H&S and Facilities, ICT and Governance, which is designed to help Head Teachers have more time to focus their energies on their school’s core activities. The benefits flow both ways; each Head Teacher has a place on the Trust’s central leadership team, allowing all member schools to bring their own inspiration and have a say in shaping strategy. 

As a Trust we believe it is important that we add value to all schools and provide a breadth of opportunity for our pupils which could not be replicated by an individual school. The Trust organises a varied programme of annual sports competitions and festivals, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) activities and Junior Engineering projects. These range from Cross country, TAG rugby, Football, Basketball, Netball, Tennis, Ultra Olympics, Animation, Electronics, Robotics, Public Speaking and a Festival of Voices.

To find out more about our Trust visit the website at where you will find out information about our schools, governance structure, Trust Board minutes, the annual reports and financial statements and much more.

The Cambrian Learning Trust office is located at Faringdon Community College.

Cambrian Learning Trust

Fernham Road




To contact the Trust please email:


Cambrian Learning Trust - Home



Millbrook School
School Lane, Grove
OX12 7LB


01235 764822
