Friends Of Millbrook (PTA)
What is FROM?
FROM (Friends of Millbrook) are a group of parents, teachers and teaching assistants who voluntarily help to raise funds for Millbrook School.
We organise and run the school’s two main fund raising events each year, which are the Summer Fete (in June) and the Christmas Fayre (end of November), both of which are extremely well-attended and raise large amounts of money for the school. In addition to these main events, we organise various other fun social events throughout the school year, such as the Easter Bingo and family discos. All the money raised by FROM is spent on items or experiences to enrich the children’s learning environment. Some of the funds raised help to subsidise school trips, to keep the costs to families at an affordable level.
Click here to request access to join the group.
Please click on the link below to see our latest newsletter and our current leaflet for Millbrook 'New Starters'.
FROM Committee - September 2021
Co Chairs - Megan Boyle & Sandra Gadsby
Trustee - Claire Willis
Treasurer - Emma Wood
FROM Lotto Coordinator - Emma Wood
Secretary -
Teacher Representatives - Faye Charlton, Elise Keymer
FROM-funded Pantomime! Novembe021
FROM-funded projects and events