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Pupil Parliament

We are extremely proud of our new MBK Pupil Parliament, led by our Head Pupils, who were selected after a rigorous process including a speech; class vote and interview process with Mr Rose, Mrs Charlton and last year's Head Pupils!

Our other parliament members were democratically elected across Years 1 - 6 after presenting why they would be the best person for the role; as part of this, all children  learnt about the meaning and importance of democracy and the structure of the British parliamentary system. 

Our  MBK Pupil Parliament meet each small term and work with the Senior Leadership Team towards developing a key aspect of our School Development Plan - they are very excited about their first project!  Actions and updates are shared regularly via assemblies and 'Millbrook Connect.'

Our Head Pupils also sit on the Vale Academy Trust Pupil Parliament, alongside representatives from the other Vale Primary and Secondary schools.   At meetings, wider community projects are discussed and representatives regularly meet with local MPs to talk about how they can work in partnership to support improvements and new projects in the local community. 

We have even been featured in the Oxford Mail! 

Pupil parliament is launched by the Vale Academy Trust | Oxford Mail

Please see the Parliament notice board space for the latest discussion issues and our school development priority updates!

The aims of our parliament are to:   

  • Represent all pupils and include a fair representation of the school. 

  • Take time to listen to all pupils and communicate their views so that they feel valued 

  • Feedback to pupils about what has happened about their views. 

  • ‘Action’ decisions that have been made or explain why certain suggestions cannot be implemented  

  • Promote pupil leadership opportunities, enabling children to develop valuable communication, organisation and debating skills through key roles of responsibility and new experiences.  

  • Provide children with a ‘voice’ in significant school improvement projects that will have a long-term and sustainable impact on the school community 

  • Link closely to our ‘citizenship’ driver and intent to develop respectful citizens who feel empowered to make a positive contribution to the wider community  

  • Deepen understanding of democracy and British values 

Our Head Pupils helping us develop our new Feedback and Marking Policy!


Millbrook School
School Lane, Grove
OX12 7LB


01235 764822
