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The Local Governing Body

Millbrook Primary School converted to academy status as part of the Vale Academy Trust on December 1st 2014. Upon conversion, the Local Governing Body (LGB) was established to lead the strategic direction of the school. The LGB works closely with the Directors of the Vale Academy Trust. Governors are volunteers who work in partnership with the headteacher and senior leaders to ensure that children receive the best education possible.

The LGB has a range of duties and powers as outlined in the Scheme of Delegated Authority, with a general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. This includes setting targets for pupil achievement, monitoring the school’s finances, making sure the curriculum is balanced, appointing staff, reviewing staff performance and pay and deciding how, in strategic terms, the school should be run.

The LGB meets at least five times a year, and focuses on the progress the school is making towards its objectives and supports and challenges  the senior leaders as they drive the school forwards.

Governors take their responsibilities very seriously and, in addition to any professional skills they may have, they also attend training courses run by the Vale Academy Trust. These sessions cover a wide range of topics such as Pupil Data, Safer Recruitment, Effective HR and Special Educational Needs. The Clerk to the Governors acts as an adviser and provides professional support to the governors.

You can contact our chair of governors via or through the school office on

Our current governors are:

  • Rich Evans – Chair (Director appointed governor)

I have been a school leader for 9 years and my specialism is teaching, learning and professional development. I have spent 17 years in industry before teaching and have been Chair of Governors at Millbrook since 2019. It is with a real pride that, along with the governing body, we continue to see Millbrook improve as a school and offer a high quality learning experience for the pupils in our care.

Richard Evans

Chair of Governors

  • Eddie Steel - Vice Chair (Director Appointed Governor)

Eddie lives in Oxford with his wife and three daughters. Whilst Eddie’s daughters are now beyond primary school age, he remains passionate about the importance of having an excellent primary school education, which is why he volunteers his time as a governor at Millbrook, and has previously been a chair of governors at a school in Tower Hamlets, London. Eddie works in financial services.

  • Sarah Martin – Nominated Safeguarding Governor (Director appointed governor) -

Sarah Martin, Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral Care) at King Alfred's Academy has been teaching for over 17 years and specializes in Safeguarding.  She is the Designated Safeguarding Lead at King Alfred's and delivers training County wide.  Sarah joined the governing body at Millbrook to support the excellent safeguarding and pastoral work they undertake.

  • Steven Rose – Executive Headteacher



The role of Executive Headteacher gives me the opportunity to channel into experiences, roles and leadership positions I’ve held in the past. Having children myself, I really value the opinions and concerns of parents. I hope that together, we can continue to take the school forward and make Millbrook Primary School the best it can be. 

  • Vacant (Director Appointed Governor)

  • James Beard (Parent Governor)

  • David Morrell (Parent Governor)

  • Rosie Meyer (Staff Governor)

  • James Warden (Director Appointed Governor)

    Annual audited accounts information can be found here -


Millbrook School
School Lane, Grove
OX12 7LB


01235 764822
